You see, we are all either consciously or unconsciously participating in the Matrix. But what if I told you that none of this is real? What if I told you that you, me, all of us are architects of our own realities? What if I told you that if, as a race of people, we all turned off from other people’s narratives and started creating our own storyline, that the world would change very quickly?
Past 18 months have been turbulent in one way or another. Emotions have been running pretty high for various reasons and there’s been plenty of division, mostly driven by mainstream media.
But what if I told you that none of this is real?
What if I told you that you, me, all of us are architects of our own realities?
What if I told you that if, as a race of people, we all turned off from other people’s narratives and started creating our own storyline, that the world would change very quickly?
You see, we are all either consciously or unconsciously participating in the Matrix.
Even as conscious beings we still need to participate in the economy. For instance, no matter how spiritual I am,I still need to buy diesel and groceries.
This is why even as conscious participants we can unwittingly be drawn to a place of judgement. Even when we have pure intentions and our hearts are in the right place.
Have you noticed that I said “our hearts are in the ‘right’ place’? Well, that implies that the other place is wrong. (There we go, I’ve just caught myself judging!). I’ll rephrase then, our hearts come from what I consider to be a good place, a different place.
It’s important that as we all navigate this lifetime on Earth we seek to love and support one another and help as many people as we can, instead of tearing lumps out of one another from each ‘side’ of the ‘passionate discussion’. Each side tries to convert the other to their way of thinking. Each side assumes that their way is the best, better or just correct and the other should simply listen and follow instructions.
You may know that I work with Light Beings and move my consciousness around the different dimensions. Due to that I have been given a Quantum perspective over our experience here in this lifetime. I have been shown what a postage stamp experience it is when compared with the bigger picture, albeit a beautiful postage stamp.
If you’re a Starseed, when you finally realise and remember your Soul’s memory, Galactic family and mission here on Earth, you gain a Quantum perspective over your Soul’s experience in this lifetime.
This leads to deep levels of happiness and understanding of oneself like you have never experienced before.
It also helps avoid the separation of judgement. For when we realise our true purpose here on Earth, we feel so fulfilled and happy on a cellular level that we can offer nothing but love and support to our fellow person. Anything less simply doesn’t resonate and it doesn’t make sense.
See also:

Aeron Lazar
Aeron Lazar is a multidimensional psychic, an energy worker and a spiritual teacher. Aeron specialises in the Akashic Realm, helping his clients clear past life and ancestral karma and trauma so they can move into alignment and experience abundance on every level.
Aeron Lazar is also an ambassador to various Galactic Star Nations due to his ability channel messages and energy of these Beings of Lights. He regularly works with the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians and the Galactic Federation of Light.