It’s impossible to elevate your consciousness with a calcified pineal gland. Unfortunately, our consciousness and pineal glands have been under attack for decades. From mainstream media’s concerted effort to drag human consciousness into lower vibrational states, to global water supplies being poisoned with fluoride and chlorine. Removing Fluoride and decalcifying the Pineal Gland is the key to your multidimensionality. The good news is: it is relatively easy to do so once you are aware of it!
Our consciousness and pineal gland’s have been under attack for decades. From mainstream media’s concerted effort to drag human consciousness into lower vibrational states, to global water supplies being poisoned with fluoride and chlorine (bleach).
Fluoride is a neurotoxin and one of the most poisonous substances known to man. Yet, it is in your water supply and therefore in your home.
Most commercial toothpastes also contain fluoride.
As an effect, you could quite easily be drinking and bathing in fluoride as well as rubbing it into their gums multiple times a day!
Fluoride attacks the brain and calcifies the pineal gland: our ‘third eye’ and gateway to elevated states of consciousness and other dimensions.
Extensive populations studies have also shown that it can also reduces a person’s IQ level! So not only does it prevent our consciousness ascension, but it also dumbs the population down and makes us more suggestable (which links back to the mainstream media)
When you combine the above with processed foods, heavy metals, e-numbers, sugar and artificial sweeteners, then you realise that not only our health but also our consciousness have been under attack for generations.
If you listen to the mainstream news, you will believe that fluoride is OK as it’s good for your teeth. But what’s more important: dental health or mental health?
I am sure people of a certain age will remember how DDT was promoted as a miracle pesticide for the domestic garde. Propaganda videos can be found showing children eating lunch whilst being fumigated in thick clouds of DDT, to show how ‘safe’ it was… only later to be proven to cause severe birth defects.
Similarly, asbestos was heavily promoted as a ‘miracle product’ and “the future of construction”. It was widely used as a building material throughout the 70s, 80s and even 90s. It still remains in many older buildings to this day, even though we now know that it causes Asbestosis, which is debilitating and causes scarring of the lungs, shortness of breath and often leads to lung cancer and death.
In the future fluoride will be no different to DDT and asbestos., Humanity will look back and quietly apologize for the harm it caused to the global population. It’s Erin Brokovic on a global scale.
There is hope though! You can work on decalcifying your pineal gland. You can start by removing fluoride from your diets as far as possible by swapping to natural toothpaste and using a water filter that removes fluoride from your drinking water (read manufacturers instructions though, as not every water filter does that).
There are also supplements you can take which can assist you in decalcifying pineal gland such as chaga mushrooms, curcurmin, neem oil. You can find an extensive lif of supplements in this article.
You can also work with channelled energy from Galactic Beings as well as Kundalini Energy to heal and awaken your pineal gland. I have recorded a channelled Arcturian activation that works on cleansing your pineal gland and opening your third eye. You can find it here.
It’s impossible to elevate your consciousness with a calcified pineal gland. We can debate whether this was the aim of fluoride being introduced into the global water supplies in the first place, but one thing for sure: removing Fluoride and decalcifying the Pineal Gland is the key to your multidimensionality. It is within your power and control and relatively easy to do so when you’re aware of it!
See also:
How To Discover Your Soul Purpose
Podcast Episode 13 – New Wealth For The New Earth With Keri Norley

Aeron Lazar
Aeron Lazar is a multidimensional psychic, an energy worker and a spiritual teacher. Aeron specialises in the Akashic Realm, helping his clients clear past life and ancestral karma and trauma so they can move into alignment and experience abundance on every level.
Aeron Lazar is also an ambassador to various Galactic Star Nations due to his ability channel messages and energy of these Beings of Lights. He regularly works with the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, the Sirians and the Galactic Federation of Light.