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Damascena Tanis is an Archetypal Astrologer, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and The Facilitator of the Transformative Journey through the Mandala of Venus’ Cycle, called “Sky Dancer”. Damascena’s passion is to guide us to embody the magical, collaborative, harmonic, creative, and sophisticated qualities of the Primordial Feminine.
As an expert observer and decoder of the cosmos, equipped with the knowledge of the archetypes and incredible dedication in studying the movements of stars and planets, Damascena Tanis holds a unique insight as to the grand scheme of events.
In this episode, Damascena shares with us the big picture of planetary level shifts that correspond to human consciousness evolution. This discussion will provide you with valuable perspectives on current and future global events, as well as open your eyes to how the macrocosm of collective archetypes is reflected in our daily lives.