Awaken to Abundance

Exclusive Full Day Workshop

Create Your Most Expansive Life with Spiritual Tools

📆 8 OCTOBER 2024

Your own personal timeline of absolute abundance already exists in the Quantum Multiverse. It is a reality where you are living an existence free of stress and limitations. It is a life in which you are happy, expressing your passions, gifts, and talents, and doing what you were born to do here on Earth as a limitless Soul.


But how do you access this reality?

The answer lies in deep energetic work—clearing blocks, healing traumas, and aligning with your highest potential. With the right tools and methods, you can experience rapid, quantum shifts that bring this reality into your existence.

This is exactly what you will learn in our “Awaken to Abundance” workshop—a powerful, full-day experience designed to help you harness your spiritual tools and access the timeline of your most expansive life.

In the “Awaken to Abundance” workshop, you’ll be guided through four transformative sessions designed to create deep, lasting shifts in your energy and consciousness. You will walk away with practical tools, profound insights, and an actionable plan to manifest your most abundant life.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:

Awakened & Thriving


How to Create Your Dream Life after Spiritual Awakening

In this free training you will:

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You have awakened to the realisation that you are so much more than meets the eye: a multidimensional being in the Quantum Universe. As you start seeing the world through the new, metaphysical lenses, you become acutely aware of unfairness, injustice, manipulation and systems of power and control that still seem to hold the inhabitants of our planet hostage to the low level of consciousness.

You also realise that some of your own life choices were not a result of your true desires, but deep conditioning, often stretching beyond your own lifetime.

The desire for change is getting stronger and stronger within you. You crave freedom of expression, financial abundance and peace. The question remains: how?

Spiritual awakening is a profound experience, hard to describe in words. Yet, awakening also often leads to a growing sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the status quo.

The good news is that as a multidimensional being you have access to a whole arsenal of powerful energetic tools that can be utilised to create the most beautiful life, on your own terms.

It’s just a matter of discovering and mastering them!

Awakening to your multidimensional nature brings incredible opportunities—but also challenges. Navigating these waters requires more than just spiritual insight; it requires strategic empowerment. To truly thrive, you must learn to harness both higher consciousness and the practical tools available to you in the Quantum Field.

This is where spiritual mastery meets conscious strategy. It’s not just about predicting your future—it’s about creating it. By understanding the energies at play and how to direct them, you can step into a reality where you are the architect of your own destiny.

For centuries, sages, mystics, and spiritual warriors have combined higher-dimensional wisdom with strategic planning to achieve profound outcomes. They didn’t just rely on divine intervention—they aligned their actions with Universal Laws to create tangible, lasting results.

And now, it’s your turn.

Meet The Architects of Destiny


Ascension Guide & Master Energy Worker

Aeron Lazar is a renowned spiritual leader, psychic development mentor, and master energy worker. With his unique ability to access the Akashic Records, Aeron specialises in helping individuals clear past-life and ancestral karma, heal deep-rooted trauma, and unlock the pathways to harmony, abundance, and spiritual evolution.

Aeron’s work goes beyond traditional psychic practices; he is an ambassador to several Galactic Star Nations, channelling messages and high-frequency energies from Beings of Light, including the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians, and the Galactic Federation of Light. Through his deep connection with these Galactic Beings, Aeron delivers transformative consciousness technology and high-dimensional coded upgrades, guiding you to accelerate your ascension journeys and embody your fullest potential.

Aeron’s teachings are rooted in profound wisdom and practical application, empowering his students to reclaim their energy sovereignty and step boldly into their soul-aligned purpose.


5D Business Mentor & Conscious Wealth Alchemist

Riya Loveguard is a powerful Starseed and Light Language Activator, conscious business strategist, and an Ambassador of Star Races to Earth.

With her extraordinary gift of channelling potent Galactic frequencies through multiple Light Languages, Riya collaborates closely with high-frequency beings such as the Arcturians, Lyrans, Sirians, and other Galactic Beings to assist individuals in manifesting an abundant and purposeful life.

Riya is passionate about teaching others to connect with their Higher Self—the aspect of themselves that transcends 3D limitations and is filled with pure love, wisdom, and compassion. Her unique approach combines deep spiritual activation with practical 5D business strategies, enabling entrepreneurs and conscious creators to align their businesses with the frequency of wealth and expansion.

Blending spirituality with strategic planning, Riya guides her clients to develop authentic, heart-centered solutions that resonate with the higher dimensions, empowering them to thrive both spiritually and materially.

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riya loveguard & aeron lazar