Since its inception in 2021, the Quantum Club library has been continuously expanding with new live sessions and workshop recordings making their way into the Vault week after week. As we have crossed the 170 session mark, we created Quantum Club Pathways: a carefully chosen selection of sessions that provide a guide to follow and a shortcut to get the most out of the Quantum Club Library.

Each pathway can be considered a stand-alone course. Before you choose one or more to dive into, we want to remind you that your intuition and curiosity is the best guide. If at any point during your membership you feel like exploring a particular subject – don’t hesitate to veer off the set route. There are 100s of Quantum Club sessions not included in the pathways! You will find them in the library organised chronologically, by category or by Galactic Race.

So for example, if you are curious about the subject of Light Language or want to activate your own: dive into the “Light Language” category. Or if you know that you are an Andromedan Starseed and want to zoom in just on the Andromedans – go to the Andromedan tab under the sessions organised by Race.

However, if you are not quite sure where to start, feel free to start your Quantum exploration with one of the Quantum Club Pathways.

The pathways reflect four most common objectives of Quantum Club members:


Start here if your priority is to see practical, tangible shifts in your three dimensional reality. Within this pathway you will gain understanding of the mechanics of working with your energy field and your nervous system. You will find out how to release negative energetic patterns and programming holding you back to create a life of abundance and harmony.

The Energetic Mastery Workshop


Follow this path if what brought you here is curiosity around your Starseed origins and Galactic Guides. Most of the Quantum Club is centred around deepening connections with Galactic Races, but this pathway provides an accelerated way to lay all the foundations.

The Initiation Starseed & Earthseed Workshop

This is a beginner-friendly workshop. You will learn how to connect to various Galactic Races of Light, get to know unique frequencies of various Star Nations and Inner Earth Civilisation, activate your unique Starseed or Earthseed mission and become a Star Nations Ambassador to Planet Earth, anchoring in higher-dimensional frequencies into the crystalline planetary grid as you receive powerful upgrades and channelled Light Language activations

The Attunement Advanced Starseed Workshop

This workshop builds on the knowledge from “Initiation”, as you discover a plethora of Quantum tools and superpowers at your fingertips – and activate dormant spiritual abilities. The focus here is practical guidance & energetic “provision” (aka consciousness technology / light codes) so you can experience down-to-Earth prosperity, freedom, vitality & love as a Starseed on a mission.

  • Reconnect with your Galactic Team & Star Family and receive the support you need to navigate the transition to the New Earth.
  • Receive a Full System Upgrade from a collective of Galactic Star Nations in a set of powerful activations to ignite your mission
  • Leave behind deep-seated fears & doubts impeding your full potential & your mission
  • Find out how to use your cosmic experiences & superpowers to deal with challenges of day to day life on Earth and create a life of your wildest dreams



This is a beginner-friendly pathway – dive in here if your goal is to expand spiritual abilities but you don’t know how to start from scratch (hint: you’re a natural! the Force is strong with this one!)


Start here if you are already a spiritual practitioner, healer, teacher or coach looking to enhance your abilities and take not just yourself – but also your clients – to the next level.

The Quantum Portal Beginners Workshop

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riya loveguard & aeron lazar