Designed by Aeron Lazar and Riya Loveguard
Even though your journey up to this point hasn’t exactly been a pleasure cruise, you have an unshakable feeling that you are on the cusp of greatness. That there is a new level waiting for you to unlock.
The time has come to step into your power and live your truth. You are done trying to fit the mould. You are ready to shake off other people’s expectations, deprogram layers of conditioning, rediscover the connection with your authentic self and the infinite energy source within you.
You have answered the call and you know you have a role to play in the evolution of consciousness on this planet. You are ready to shine your light brighter than ever before, and impact thousands of lives.
Yet, you are still torn between doing what has been bringing you security, income and status so far and what your Soul actually wants to create.
The Universe Awaits Your Move:
If Not Now, Then When?

If you’ve awakened to your multidimensionality as an accomplished individual, the temptation exists to ditch the skills you have honed in your career to embrace your spiritual side fully.
But then as you try to express your inner “woo”, you find yourself in the place “in between”.
You don’t quite fit the bill of a free-spirited hippie going with the flow. No amount of ecstatic dancing or smudging can wipe out your vast experience, titles and accolades you’ve worked years to achieve.
However, you don’t belong to the corporate or 3D business world either. Connected to your heart and intuition, you see beyond facts and figures.
You are the bridge between the realms. You are the light that shines into the darkest places. You are the mover, shaker and challenger of dysfunctional systems – on both sides. Your role is not easy but it is absolutely crucial.
You are here to bring structure and order to the youthful chaos of a new evolving consciousness.
We know that you did not come here to suffer. You came here to thrive!
And we are here to lay all our energetic and strategic tools in front of you to help you create ripples of impact whilst enjoying the best that life on Earth has to offer.
We are here to support you in embrace your fullness – the old and the new – as you get to integrate your full history, skills, and position into the very specific, sophisticated essence that powers up your vision and magnetises your dream clients and your dream life towards you.
Introducing The New Earth Leaders Academy, a transformative personally tailored 12-month journey, including access to our most powerful flagship programmes, as well as individual coaching support, that will transform you into a magnetic, purpose-driven leader.
Crafted with love and passion by Aeron Lazar and Riya Loveguard, this 12-month journey encapsulates powerful Quantum modalities, practical business knowledge, and cutting-edge metaphysical support.

Transcending Dimensions is a 6-Month deep intensive process to completely transform your reality from inside out.
You will reprogram all layers of your energetic field and every aspect of your life for lasting abundance and flow. You will shift into the trajectory of your highest organic timeline.
You will deactivate 3D programs, activate 5D & 12D upgrades, awaken dormant spiritual abilities, receive powerful energetic downloads, and learn to embody your higher self.
As per the words of one of our graduates, “this program is the complete life altering package. It allows you to get to the core of what actually has been holding you back, it gives you tools and energetic practices to be able to clear those permanently with absolute confidence.”
Radiance is a unique Quantum Business programme, crafted by Riya Loveguard by combining both the mechanics and energetics of building a successful, soul-aligned brand.
Inside Radiance, you will learn how to create, grow and scale a business that reflects your unique brand of consciousness.
In this intense process you will learn to identify and overcome personal and ancestral blocks, develop a supportive business infrastructure, balance strategic planning with intuitive decision-making, and transform your relationship with business and money from inside out, way beyond mindset.

Experience Personalized Guidance and Support
Inside The New Earth Leaders Academy, you also have an option to receive our 1-on-1 Voxer support on top of the transformative biweekly group coaching sessions. We will provide you with in depth guidance and spiritual mentorship throughout your 12-month journey to accelerate your results.

Your Journey Begins Today
Are you ready to step into your power and live out your unique calling?
To begin this journey, book an enrollment consultation today.
Due to a limited number of spots available on this programme, there is a fully refundable $222 deposit, to ensure we give each committed applicant the time and attention they deserve.
This deposit will be fully refunded if you decide working together is not for you or deducted from the overall price of the programme – if you decide to join us.
What it is like to work with Aeron and Riya?
The first few months were really intense for me. I had a couple of very old patterns to release, and it was pretty rough going, but Aeron and Riya offered support from their own experience as well as tools to navigate and take ownership of the releasing and healing. All throughout, they emphasised the importance of learning these tools not just for ourselves, but so we could take them out into the world and help others. Their teaching is thorough, clear, and loving. My work as an artist doesn't directly use such tools, but what I learned, and the ways in which I healed, have absolutely had an impact on my various roles and relationships, and deepened and expanded the work I do.I experienced more than one significant shift, but the biggest one was releasing a pattern I'd been carrying about not wanting to be visible or take up space. It had manifested over and over my entire life, in all sorts of ways, and impacted relationships, work, and my general experience of living in the world. I find I'm now able and even comfortable to do things that almost sent me into panic attacks before. For example, I was absolutely terrified to do one to one sessions with clients; now they are one of my favourite parts of my work! So many more possibilities have opened up, and I just feel different in myself. It's been a journey of discovery and wonder, once I got past the clear out! I know there were others in the group whose work directly relates to the methods and type of energy work Aeron and Riya do, but even if yours doesn't, this is a deep and powerful process that - if you're willing to go all in - can change your life in profound ways, at every level and in every area.
This program is suitable for both seasoned entrepreneurs, executive and individuals just starting their new business venture. Aeron and Riya provide comprehensive training and support to meet you where you are and help you grow.
The program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to work at your own pace. You can expect to dedicate approximately 3-4 hours per week to coursework, sessions, and integration – as this is not just a course, it’s a journey of experience and personal as well as professional transformation.
We understand that investing in yourself and your spiritual growth is a significant decision. We offer flexible payment plans to accommodate different financial situations. Book an enrollment consultation to discuss the options available to you.
Honouring each soul’s unique journey and abilities, we cannot guarantee specific monetary or personal outcomes, however we are confident in the transformative power of The New Earth Leaders Academy. The program provides you with the tools, guidance, and support necessary to elevate your spiritual practice and create a thriving business or career. Your commitment and dedication are key factors that will determine your specific destination. From our side, we have also programmed an intention that your time, energy and money investment comes back to you many-times fold.
Your journey starts as soon as you make a decision to join us – as the frequency of the programme works on your energy field beyond the live sessions.
However, officially we are starting on 6 January 2024 with Transcending Dimensions Base Camp.