Scholarship application closes when enrolment starts in:
The Transcending Dimensions Scholarship
The Transcending Dimensions Scholarship
is designed for courageous Souls ready to go-through a deep and intense 6-month journey of healing and transformation to re-program every aspect of their life for abundance, alignment and flow.
The scholarship is not means-tested, although it is mostly aimed at students who would not be able to otherwise participate in the programme due to financial constraints. Once you are awarded it, you will be invited to join and pay what serves you, an affordable monthly contribution that you get to declare yourself, rather than the full price of the programme.
We will choose how to award it, not just based on your financial situation but the holistic overview of your situation, your energetic signature and qualities that make you a great fit for the programme.
We will make a decision in the way we always operate: following the energy. That’s why we ask you to be intentional and true to your heart when filling this form.
There are no right or wrong answers, we are simply looking to understand your Soul and your true desires and find out exactly what you need to step into your highest timeline.
We promise that all you share will be confidential and sacred.
With love,
Aeron and Riya