thriving Starseed & Ligtworker community with weekly live psychic training, direct coaching & a growing library of Galactic wisdom

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Full Day Workshops


You have awakened to the realisation that you are a multidimensional being. You know you are on Earth for a bigger job. You know you have supernatural gifts ready to uncover and a divine potential waiting to be unlocked.  

The question is “how”?

What can you do to step into your soul’s divine alignment, raise your vibrational frequency and expand your spiritual abilities such as channeling, speaking Light Languages, transmitting and receiving energetic upgrades?   

When we awakened to our mission as Starseeds, we felt a bit overwhelmed. We knew full well that awakening was just the first step. We were ready to hone our skills and make an impact. But there was nothing available at an accessible price to take our Quantum abilities to the next level.

After intensive training with various Races of Galactic Light Beings and witnessing powerful shifts that our methods of working with energy achieved for us personally and for attendees of our workshops, we decided to create a membership programme that we wish we had access to when we first awakened.


Welcome to your rebirth, the opening of your brand new eyes! The Starseed and/or Earthseed Soul in you is waking up from a long sleep. But this is just the beginning…

Now that you’ve done your part in taking the first few steps to consciousness expansion, and reverting back to your soul’s essence, let’s discover new terrains together and activate the part of you that was called to incarnate on this Earth.

The brave, conscientious Starseed and/or Earthseed in you, who bears their unique set of mission codes and ancient wisdom to help the planet ascend to a higher plane of consciousness.


Welcome to your rebirth, the opening of your brand new eyes! The Starseed and/or Earthseed Soul in you is waking up from a long sleep. But this is just the beginning…

Now that you’ve done your part in taking the first few steps to consciousness expansion, and reverting back to your soul’s essence, let’s discover new terrains together and activate the part of you that was called to incarnate on this Earth.

The brave, conscientious Starseed and/or Earthseed in you, who bears their unique set of mission codes and ancient wisdom to help the planet ascend to a higher plane of consciousness.

The Quantum Club is a space where you can consistently develop your spiritual abilities such as connecting to your Galactic Soul Family as Guides, speaking Light Languages, channelling energy, transmitting and receiving Light Technology.

In the weekly live classes, Aeron and Riya will work with you energetically on a deep level to unlock your divine intuitive gifts and forge strong connections with your Higher Self and Galactic Light Beings such as the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Blue Avians, the Lemurians, the Atlanteans, the Dragons, and others.



Learn to Access & Effectively Channel Galactic Light Codes

12 March, 9 am - 4 pm Costa Rica time (Central Standard Time)

Your own personal timeline of absolute abundance already exists in the Quantum Multiverse. It is a reality where you are living an existence free of stress and limitations. It is a life in which you are happy, expressing your passions, gifts, and talents, and doing what you were born to do here on Earth as a limitless Soul.


By the end of the Workshop you will:

  • Learn how to use your consciousness to access
  • Galactic codes & upgrades
  • Activate Your own ability to channel Light Language
  • Find out which specific frequencies are available from which Galactic Race
  • Access Galactic upgrades for abundance, healing and love
  • Practice channelling and transmitting consciousness technology yourself!

The Quantum Club will expand your spiritual abilties if you are:

a Starseed who wants to get connected to your Galactic Family, discover and expand their abilities

a Lightworker ready to take your practice to the next level

an open-minded individual ready to expand your spiritual and psychic abilities

a Lemurian or Atantean descendant ready to claim your heritage


I'm a new Quantum Club member, and I've already received physical healing from transmissions. You won't regret joining! When you join, check out the Quantum First Birthday Surprises! Session 53!
I have been in Quantum Club since the very beginning. It is fantastic! I love Quantum Club. Working with Aeron and Riya is a life changing experience. I totally recommend!
Quantum club is AMAZING, as Aeron says Thursdays are our favourite day of the week!
I appreciate everything given to me today during our session! I also just completed the Artcurian Codes of Inner Healing and found it to be so helpful. I felt strong sensation through upper body, out through my hands.  I could feel something/energy moving.  I found this session to be so helpful. I appreciate speaking with you today and thanks for getting your teaching/healing out into the world.
I’m thoroughly enjoying the weekly live calls and am motoring my way through the vault, and the Sirian in me just LOVES the way it is organised (thanks Riya!).


We hold weekly practical sessions, including Quantum Immersions where we bring the energies of different Light Beings for you to meet and connect to.

You will also participate in psychic development excercices, Light Language Activations as well as Channelled Q&A sessions where you’ll get to ask the questions directly to Beings of Light such as the Sirians, the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Andromedans, the Lyrans or the Galactic Federation – and you’ll get instant answers.

On top of that, you will get instant access to a vault of 177+ archive sessions and join a private support group where we will be personally answering your questions.

As a member of the Quantum Club you will:


As soon as I logged in i was met by a well presented, very professional and articulated website with an amazing structure that I cannot wait to get my teeth into. I cannot tell you how impressed i am at first glance at what I have to learn, oh boy have I got some learning!
I just listened to the Live Light Language Activations Session from the Quantum Club vault, and after months of having trouble activating my light languages due to personal resistance, I was finally able to let go, and at least three activated!
I watched the 'Opening Ceremony' yesterday and it was incredibly powerful. I've been sooooo tired (and grumpy) all day today. And very interestingly, I started speaking a new Light Language today whilst out on a walk! I already spoke one language (not sure which) but then I asked today if there was another language that wanted to come through after yesterday's session. And lo and behold, I felt a shift and a very high-pitched very fast language came through. I then played around a bit shifting between the two languages. I'm amazed. Thank you Riya and Aeron for the powerful opening ceremony. I'm really looking forward to getting started on the vault of over 100! Sessions....
After the Quantum Club session today with Riya and the Lyran Feline Race, I cleared a major block to embracing my spiritual gift as a teacher. Riya encouraged me to look into the past life that was the origin of my fear of being killed, and I found it! It was when I was a galactic warrior princess during the Orion Wars.I even spoke light language for the first time ever! This light language healed the wound that had killed me, while my galactic guides applied a special salve to it.I am not scared anymore of teaching spirituality, embodiment and galactic wisdom. Now I am ready to receive the downloads on what I will teach. And I know it was the light codes that Riya channelled that released the blocks to help get me to this point. I am so grateful to both Riya and the Lyran Feline collective!

What’s included in my membership?

Take part in the upcoming live sessions

Community Coaching Call

Get all of your spiritual and consciousness questions answered in real time and receive personal support from Aeron and Riya in our monthly live group coaching session.

The Fundamentals of Field Clearance
This session is an essential part of the ‘Jedi’ basic toolkit ! You will learn how to defend and protect against astral beings or demons that form attachments through connection to people, objects or situations. You will receive instruction on how to diagnose attachments and also how to cleanse your own energetic field of entity and demonic attachments as well as experience a group cleansing protocol.

The Gridwork Alchemy

Learn how to work consciously with the natural network of Gaia, including water, trees and crystals, alchemising their different frequencies to enhance your personal goals and support the human collective.



Since its inception in 2021, the Quantum Club library has been continuously expanding with new live sessions and workshop recordings making their way into the Quantum Club Library week after week. As we have crossed the 170-session mark, we created Quantum Club Pathways: a carefully chosen selection of sessions that provide a guide to follow and a shortcut to get the most out of the Quantum Club Library.

Each one of the Quantum Club Pathways is equivalent to a stand-alone course. Each pathway is like a personal roadmap, guiding you to profound energetic mastery. 

Whether you seek personal transformation, wish to embrace your Starseed identity, aspire to uplevel your practice, or are starting fresh on your spiritual journey, we have a pathway tailored for you. Begin your exploration, follow your intuition, and unlock the remarkable potential within you!


Are you ready to see real, tangible changes in your everyday life? This pathway focuses on practical steps & our unique methodology to shift your 3D reality into the life of your dreams. You’ll learn to master your energy field and nervous system, releasing negative patterns that block your abundance and harmony. Imagine stepping into a life where you can effortlessly attract success, love, and prosperity. This is your gateway to a vibrant, abundant future.

Inside The TRANSFORMATION Pathway you will:

  • Create a life of abundance and harmony
  • Release negative energetic patterns and programming
  • Attract success, love, and prosperity
  • Gain practical tools for personal growth and transformation

Here are examples of sessions you will find inside the Transformation Pathway:


Do you feel a deep connection to the cosmos and want to uncover your Galactic origins? This pathway accelerates your journey to discovering your Starseed heritage and connecting with your Galactic Guides. Dive into sessions that deepen your connection with various Galactic Star Nations and ignite your Starseed mission. Experience the joy of finding your cosmic family and understanding your unique role in the Earth consciousness awakening.

Inside The Starseed Pathway you will:

  • Deepen your connection with various Galactic Races and your Soul Family
  • Ignite your Starseed mission
  • Experience the joy of claiming your Starseed heritage and activating your gifts
  • Understand your place in the universe and your unique role

Here are examples of sessions you will find inside the StarSEED Pathway:


Are you a spiritual practitioner, healer, teacher, or coach eager to elevate your skills? This pathway is your advanced training ground. Enhance your abilities and expand your impact, not just for yourself but for your clients as well. Imagine mastering the art of energy work, spiritual protection, and advanced consciousness technology. Become the Jedi you were meant to be, guiding others with your heightened awareness and supernatural abilities.

Inside The JEDI Pathway you will:

  • Master advanced energy work techniques
  • Enhance spiritual protection and defence skills
  • Access sophisticated energetic tools & consciousness technology
  • Elevate your practice and client impact to the next level

Here are examples of sessions you will find inside the JEDI Pathway:


New to the metaphysical realm? This beginner-friendly pathway is perfect for you. It’s designed to help you unlock your innate spiritual abilities and navigate your spiritual awakening with confidence. It’s designed to help you unlock your innate spiritual abilities and navigate your spiritual awakening with confidence. Step into a supportive environment where your growth is nurtured, and your intuitive gifts are activated.

Inside The PADAWAN Pathway you will:

  • Unlock and activate your intuitive gifts
  • Gain confidence in your spiritual abilities
  • Navigate your spiritual awakening with ease
  • Receive support from a community of experienced practitioners

Here are examples of sessions you will find inside the PADAWAN Pathway:

Receive instant access to 7 powerful full day workshops





FULL DAY Workshop Recording

The Dragon Day

The Dragon Day Workshop

FULL DAY Workshop Recording

Energetic Protection

FULL DAY Workshop Recording

Starseeds & Earthseeds Advanced Workshop: The Attunement​

Reclaim Your Divine Identity & Create Heaven on Earth

FULL DAY Workshop Recording


Your Personal Odyssey to True Sovereignty

Imagine for a moment – waking up every day with a shield of invincible energy surrounding you. No more outside interferences. No more societal expectations weighing you down. You are your own master, commanding your energy field – and your physical reality like a true Jedi! Welcome to the Energetic Mastery Workshop.

This workshop isn’t just about learning techniques; it’s an odyssey, a journey to awaken your inner Jedi and truly disconnect from the “Matrix” – not by ditching your career or running to the mountains, but by mastering your own energetic realm.

By the end of the Workshop you will:

FULL DAY Workshop Recording


Learn to Access & Effectively Channel Galactic Light Codes

By the end of the Workshop you will:

  • Learn how to use your consciousness to access
  • Galactic codes & upgrades
  • Activate Your own ability to channel Light Language
  • Find out which specific frequencies are available from which Galactic Race
  • Access Galactic upgrades for abundance, healing and love
  • Practice channelling and transmitting consciousness technology yourself!

FULL DAY Workshop Recording

Awaken to Abundance


By the end of the Workshop you will:

Your own personal timeline of absolute abundance already exists in the Quantum Multiverse. It is a reality where you are living an existence free of stress and limitations. It is a life in which you are happy, expressing your passions, gifts, and talents, and doing what you were born to do here on Earth as a limitless Soul.


In the “Awaken to Abundance” workshop, you’ll be guided through four transformative sessions designed to create deep, lasting shifts in your energy and consciousness. You will walk away with practical tools, profound insights, and an actionable plan to manifest your most abundant life.

Here’s What You’ll Learn:


Personal Feedback on your Light Language

Send Riya a 30 second audio sample of your light language / languages once they have activated to receive her personal feedback on the origins of your Light Language. (You can activate your Light Language by following the activations inside The Quantum Club vault)


One of the many things that I appreciate from you and Riya is the closeness and the intimate personal relationship you give all your clients. So many spiritual teachers out with many pre recorded video and you can't get answer when you have questions. I am glad and blessed to have found you!
FANTASTIC group of souls aligned with nothing but positive light. No drama. No fillers or preservatives, organic goodness. I love that you can ask questions and always get guidance.
I have learnt to believe that anything Is possible - to desire, reach, manifest, receive. I realised that other Galactic Races exist and want us to feel safe and protected and work with us individually if we are open to that. I can connect with them consciously… that blows my mind
Thank you Aeron and Riya for this special club you have created. Feeling grateful and blessed to have met you and to be part of this wonderful future frequency on a unconditional love. All your teachings are so uplifting! Thank you!
I learn so much at every session! I have learnt more about my connection to Galactic Light Beings, my place in this universe, and what abilities I have. I would recommend this community to everyone, because it gives you tools you can use to have a better life in so many ways!
I faced several months of resistance prior to joining, yet I kept getting the nudge. As I was transferring money to join, I could feel my guides cheering me on for breaking my resistance, and answering the call! After I joined, I realized the interference was coming from YouTube, as the energy in the private platform is different from your YouTube videos! I experienced the opening ceremony last night, and tears flooded my eyes, especially as the Arcturian Ancestors came through. Light language started flowing through me, and this cage around my heart started to crack open. It was exactly like you said it would be! Coming home, and not feeling lonely anymore! Thank you for opening this space! And bringing us all together!



Aeron Lazar and Riya Loveguard


Aeron Lazar and Riya Loveguard

Meet The Architects of Destiny


Spiritual Guide & Multidimensional Psychic

Aeron Lazar is a multidimensional psychic, energy worker, Starseed and Earthseed mentor, Akashic Records expert and spiritual teacher.

Aeron has had the ability to open up spiritually for over two decades. However, life and business got in a way and he pushed his cosmic gifts to one side. When he reconnected with his Higher Self and the Arcturian Council of Elders, he began working energetically with various Light Beings including the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians, the Lyrans, the Orions, the Blue Avians, the Andromedans, the Dragons and the Galactic Federation of Light. 
As a psychic with full-blown multidimensional gifts, Aeron also has the ability to receive energetic codes and upgrades from higher dimensions and transmit them to others. 
Aeron is passionate about teaching his students how to use their innate abilities to communicate with Beings from higher dimensions, access the Akashic Records and rewire themselves energetically for a lifetime of abundance and fulfilment. 



Starseed & Light Language Activator

Riya is a Starseed and Light Language Activator and an Ambassador of Star Nations to Planet Earth. Riya’s job in this lifetime s to awaken and equip Starseeds and Earthseeds so they can activate their divine superpowers and fulfill their unique missions.

Riya channels multiple Light Languages of Galactic Light Beings such as the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Lyrans, the Sirians and the Pleiadian. She also knows the forgotten Languages of Earth’s oldest civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, and the Language of the Mayan Empire. 

Over the course of many classes and activations Riya has helped countless people activate and identify the origins of their Light Language, step into their soul alignment and find their unique expression. She would love to do the same for you.

webinar, marta riya loveguard


The Quantum Club is a space where higher dimensions are available at your fingertips and where Beings of Light dwell to offer their support to Starseeds, Earthseeds, Lightworkers and open minded human beings with a desire to live as their multidimensional expression beyond the five senses.

The Arcturians are a highly developed civilisation with advanced spacecraft, medical as well as consciousness technology. When we think of technology, we think of external devices, but the Arcturians are also masters of inner realms.

The Arcturians share deep affinity with the human journey as they have ascended from 3D to 5D and beyond aeons ago. This experience encourages them to champion humanity’s consciousness ascension. Because of this connection, the Arcturians are great partners for sharing their advanced consciousness technology transmitting light codes, and frequency upgrades that can transform your life in any aspect.

The Pleiadians are photonic beings made of light who ignite extremely high frequencies that can feel very intense for us humans.

When we live with our human experience, we live through one of our greatest opportunities for an astounding soul expansion Pleiadians recognize this enriched ability of human spiritual evolution. As they observe us navigate through this complex rollercoaster of life, their own souls ascend into a higher purpose. They may even act as “Guardian Angels” who save us at the edge of “freak accidents” and even death.

Together with the Arcturians and the Sirians, the Pleiadians aim to work hand-in-hand with humanity and bring us into a grand soul evolution by offering energetic upgrades that speed our manifestations and increase the capacity of our bodies to hold more light.

The Sirians are advanced, highly intellectual ancient civilisations that have been humanity’s mentors for millenia. Their spacecraft are equipped with highly innovative and engineered technology. 

With their grey complexion, elongated heads, and deep black eyes – they look like your typical ET. However, fear not, as unlike their Holywood depictions of the greys, they are friendly, with soft and delicate features.

Like the Arcturians and the Pleiadians, Sirians intend to assist in awakening humanity’s consciousness to claim our rightful place at the Galactic Federation of Light Table. The Sirians assist humans in advanced energetic work such as seal removal and protection from spiritual attacks. Their frequency is very ancient, heavy, wise, and grounding.

The Andromedans are elemental beings with green hinge skin and elf-like ears. They stand 6-6’2 feet in height. Closely connected to their environment, these beings have the ability to control the elements of fire, water, air and land. 

The Andromedans also have unmatched skills in controlling their weather system that they have mastered through conscious energetic work. Since their frequencies revolve around animals, plants, and the environment, tuning into their energy will give you the ability to heal and communicate with nature.

Out of all the light beings, the Lyran Avians are those who closely resemble us, humans. They have features that would be considered strikingly beautiful / handsome by human standards, with the only difference between our Races being their huge wings that have a distinctive colour according to their specialism in the society.

Lovers of arts, poetry, and music, the Lyrans are born under a specific discipline, passed from generation to generation in both family lines and genetics. They see this as advantageous to their community as the genetic code opens an opportunity to evolve and expand knowledge for the next generations. They are loving beings with exquisite frequencies, ready to share DNA upgrades to our physical bodies, abundance and creativity codes, as well as activate your energetic wings!

Alongside Lemuria, Atlantis was an advanced civilisation that once existed here on Earth. Highly skilled at using consciousness technology, crystals, sound technology, the Atlanteans were at the cutting edge of ascension, mentored by Galactic Star Races including the Arcturians and the Sirians. Unfortunately, as their advancement progressed, the ego took over and they engaged in inner conflicts as well as battles with other people, including the Lemurians. 

However, the Atlantean wisdom is not entirely lost and many of the Atlantean descendants incarnated on Earth again, to bring back the ancient knowledge and repay karmic debts of their forefathers. As an Inner Earth civilisation, the remnants of Atlantean people are keen to connect with their descendants – to assist them in supporting humanity’s ascension.

Dragons are an incredibly powerful Race in both physical and metaphysical sense. On top of imposing presence, they have unshaken confidence, charm and the ultimate power of influence, even the ability to bend wills.

Dragons balance these predispositions with discipline and ancient wisdom, however due to these powerful features, the Dragon Race have been sought after by the Annunaki. They captured Dragons and then due to genetic experiments used them to produce the Draconian Race. The Draconians inherited all the negative tendencies of the Dragons such as the ability to bend wills and are a distorted and imbalance version of Dragon energies.

Dragon energies are fiercely independent but also very protective. When a Dragon guide is introduced to a person, it’s impossible to ‘instruct’ this energy, you must respectfully make a request. A Dragon may, or may not come forward at that point. Should one come forward, it will read your energy and make a decision as to whether it wants to be your guide or not. Should the energy decide to become your guide, it will energetically bond with you by wrapping its wings around you.

The Galactic Federation is an amalgamation of different races formed eons ago after an interstellar war in which all sides suffered great losses. It was designed for Interstellar Races to learn from past mistakes and prevent future conflicts in the Galaxy.

Each Race of Beings has two or three representatives who are a part of the Federation. 

There was a push for humans to be represented in the Galactic Federation so all species could have a voice at the table. However, there was resistance from various races who did not want humans to join. This is because we are perceived to be emotionally too volatile. They also feared the potential for corruption or abuse. The Pleiadians, the Arcturians and the Sirians are three major players who actively want humanity’s consciousness to ascend so that the Galactic Federation can be complete.

Humans who are able to raise their consciousness into the Quantum and explore their multidimensionality can become aware of the Galactic Federation and different races within, which is exactly what we do in the Quantum Club.

The Lemurians are an ancient, highly-advanced civilisation that resided on the now-sunk continent of Lemuria. At the decline of Lemuria, thousands of years ago, the Lemurians moved underground and now live in Inner Earth Cities including Telon inside Mount Shasta. 

In the peak times of Lemurian civilisation, the Earth was very close to consciousness unity and ascension, but due to ego influences, this did not happen. Lemurians are very keen to act as our guides on our path of ascension to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated and that we navigate our path of consciousness evolution with grace.

The Lyran Feline beings live in humanoid bodies with cat-like appearances or in their cat-forms. They delight in aesthetically pleasing items, especially jewelry and hold frequencies of material abundance as well as the ability to transmute metaphysical energy into physical resources.

Self-assured and confident, Lyran Felines are more interested in their own affairs than in human consciousness evolution. Lyran Felines can be helpful allies, however they always come to your aid on their own terms, often unexpectedly.

The Blue Avians are highly evolved conscious Beings who are advocates for peace and embodiment of Unity Consciousness. The Blue Avians combine the perfect balance of divine feminine and masculine principles within each member of their Race. 

The Orion live in the third dimension and function in a technologically advanced society. Known as the masters of working with DNA, they possess extremely high frequency which is also displayed in their super fast language. The Orion energies and Light Language can deliver massive DNA upgrades in a very short amount of time.


Frequently Asked Questions

It is simple – and just like the spiritual equivalent with Netlfix, only with new live shows every week! Or like a hop-on, hop-off bus: where you can join us for a ride for a month or stay for several months. There is no contract and you can cancel anytime! As long as you are a member, you get access to the vault of sessions that already took place and get to participate in a live session every Thursday. 

Live sessions take place every Thursday at either 9 am or 3 pm Costa Rica time. We alternate the times week by week to ensure that you can catch a session live no matter where in the world you are. We always send reminders with a handy time zone converter to make it easy! And if you can’t join us live – we’ve got you covered too! Every session is recorded and uploaded to the membership site within 24 hours of the live event.

All live sessions are recorded and available for you to watch whenever you are ready. Energy is always retained in the recordings. In the Quantum, time really does not matter and many members report that their experience catching up replay is just as strong as attending live.

All the recorded sessions are available for you instantly on our e-learning platform Thinkific, which you will get access details to as soon as you sign up. You will also find details of upcoming live sessions there. You will also receive an invitation to our private support group.

There is no contract, so you can cancel your subscription anytime. We are so confident about the incredible value that our community and each live session brings, that we believe there is no need for onerous contracts to keep you with us! Come for a month or stay for a year – it is totally your free will choice!

The Quantum Club membership costs $111 a month. This price is fixed for the duration of your membership and will never increase.

Absolutely not! However, most of our members discover in the course of their membership that they are either Starseeds or Lemurian or Atlantean descendants.

No, as long as you’ve got a consciousness, a pineal gland and an intention to expand your abilities – you are in the right place. During monthly coaching sessions, we teach you and practice skills such as channelling, receiving energy, speaking with Spirit Guides, Light Languages.

Start your Quantum Club membership to access HIGHER DIMENSIONS and A growing vault of exclusive content

Great! Soon you will recieve our newsletter with new content!

riya loveguard & aeron lazar